I2P dev meeting, January 28, 2003 @ 23:00 UTC
(Courtesy of the wayback machine http://www.archive.org/)
Quick recap
- Present:
Bouris, case, Debrys, hezekiah, lonelynerd, mids, MrEcho, nop,
完全な IRC ログ
--- Log opened Tue Jan 28 22:35:17 2003
22:35 -!- Topic for #iip-dev: IIP Meeting - logfiles: http://mids.student.utwente.nl/~mids/iip/
22:35 [Users #iip-dev]
22:35 [ co] [ logger] [ pox] [ ptm] [ UserX]
22:35 -!- Irssi: #iip-dev: Total of 5 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 5 normal]
22:35 -!- Irssi: Join to #iip-dev was synced in 2 secs
22:41 -!- mode/#iip-dev [+o mids] by Trent
22:41 -!- mode/#iip-dev [+v logger] by mids
22:41 -!- mode/#iip-dev [+o UserX] by mids
23:56 -!- mode/#iip-dev [+o nop] by mids
--- Day changed Wed Jan 29 2003
00:00 <@mids> Tue Jan 28 23:00:00 UTC 2003
00:00 <@nop> hi
00:00 < Debrys> greetings
00:00 < case> hallo
00:00 <@nop> hi
00:00 < Bouris> Hi.
00:00 < MrEcho> hey case
00:00 <@nop> meeting started
00:00 < case> sup echo
00:01 <@mids> nop: agenda please
00:01 <@nop> ok
00:01 <@nop> I thought you had it
00:01 <@nop> ;)
00:01 <@nop> 1) welcome
00:01 <@mids> 1) Welcome
00:01 <@mids> 2) Normal stuff
00:01 <@mids> 3) Questions
00:01 <@mids> .
00:01 <@nop> sure that works
00:01 <@nop> welcome to the nth IIP-dev meeting
00:01 <@nop> 2) Normal stuff, i.e. IIP update
00:01 <@nop> ok
00:02 <@nop> we're working on getting rc3 changed to 1.1 final
00:02 <@nop> I think all that's left is some path fix bugs
00:02 <@mids> hezekiah made the patch for -h, nop is reviewing it
00:02 <@nop> yes
00:02 <@nop> actually he can commit, I'll let him know, forgot to email him
00:02 <@mids> ok
00:02 <@nop> also
00:02 <@mids> then we just got to check how the other reported bug is
00:03 <@nop> Hezekiah has successfully compiled a version of IIP with the GNU Multi Precision library
00:03 <@nop> and it was a success
00:03 < MrEcho> cool
00:03 <@nop> the crypto speed was improved
00:03 <@nop> so that will be something we do for 1.2
00:03 <@nop> 1.2 is focusing on standards as well, standardized crypto engine and big number routines
00:03 <@nop> etc
00:03 <@mids> there is our hero!
00:04 -!- mode/#iip-dev [+o hezekiah] by mids
00:04 <@hezekiah> Who?
00:04 <@nop> you
00:04 <@mids> you!
00:04 <@hezekiah> Sorry I'm late. :)
00:04 <@hezekiah> (And thanks for the compliment.)
00:06 <@hezekiah> Did I miss the meeting? ... or is it still going?
00:06 <@mids> nop was just telling about the update works
00:06 <@mids> and that you can commit the -h patch
00:06 <@hezekiah> OK.
00:06 <@mids> then we got to see how severe the problems with the file paths are
00:06 <@hezekiah> I just got through reading the logs.
00:06 <@mids> test in multiple locations etc
00:06 < MrEcho> anything new for windows users?
00:06 <@mids> platofrms I mean
00:08 <@hezekiah> Well, the -h bugfix might affect the windows users. I'm not sure if it was a problem over there.
00:09 <@hezekiah> As for the GnuMP implementation of BigNum, that should be part of the 1.2 release for windows (though it might take some work to get it to run on windows.)
00:09 < Debrys> may i ask what this BigNum-stuff is all about?
00:10 < case> what version of libgmp was it dones with?
00:10 < case> er
00:10 < case> dones/done
00:10 <@hezekiah> Well, since mids and nop seem to have dissapeared for the moment, I'll explain it while we wait for them to get back.
00:10 <@hezekiah> OK.
00:10 <@mids> I am listening
00:10 <@mids> please entertain
00:10 <@hezekiah> First I'll answer case's question because it is simple. I used version 4.1 of GnuMP.
00:10 <@hezekiah> (Gentoo doesn't have 4.1.2 yet.)
00:11 <@hezekiah> Next is Debrys question:
00:11 <@hezekiah> BigNum structure with a is a bunch of functions used in the isproxy source code.
00:11 <@hezekiah> It is basically just a way to make integers that are REALLY REALLY big.
00:11 <@hezekiah> Obviously modern CPU's don't offer really really big integer types, so C doesn't have them.
00:12 <@hezekiah> ... and crypto needs to use really big numbers.
00:12 <@hezekiah> Thus, an implementation of a "BigNum" is needed.
00:12 < Debrys> i think i got it :) thank you
00:12 <@hezekiah> Currently, we have 2 implentations of BigNum: one in SSL and one in GnuMP.
00:12 <@hezekiah> You're welcome. :)
00:12 <@hezekiah> Back to you, mids. :)
00:12 <@mids> ok
00:12 * hezekiah hands the microphone back.
00:13 <@mids> I am done on point 2
00:13 <@mids> lets go to the question round
00:13 <@mids> questions?
00:13 <@hezekiah> (oh, the irony.) ;-)
00:13 <@hezekiah> Yeah. Are we almost to 1.1 release yet?
00:14 <@hezekiah> What still needs to be done? (Besides get codeshark to make a tarball.)
00:14 <@mids> testing if files are stored in the right directories
00:14 <@mids> in every case
00:15 <@mids> hezekiah: please tell me if you did commit the -h thing, then I'll put the bug item closed
00:15 <@nop> oh hezekiah you can commit
00:15 <@nop> the -h thing
00:15 <@nop> ;)
00:15 <@hezekiah> I haven't commited the -h thing yet.
00:15 <@hezekiah> I don't know what branch to commit to. :)
00:15 <@nop> he does now ;)
00:16 <@hezekiah> Give me a minute and I
00:16 <@hezekiah> I'll update the bugfix.
00:16 < Debrys> hmm, what will be new or changed in 1.1? not too much into detail - just in general
00:16 <@hezekiah> 1. Bugfixes! :)
00:17 <@mids> 2. more bugfixe
00:17 < Debrys> lol
00:17 <@nop> debrys no major changes
00:17 < Debrys> anything which makes the connections more stable?
00:17 <@nop> just bug fixes
00:18 <@mids> Debrys: we will try that with a more minimum node.ref in the initial distribution
00:18 < Debrys> i did a.......... rather unelegant hack to the node.ref..........
00:19 < Debrys> only the invisiblenet relays.......... no update of node.ref
00:19 < Debrys> i havent ping-timeout'ed for days........
00:19 < Debrys> before of that i god disconnected in 30min intervals on average
00:20 < Debrys> but its not a very good solution :)
00:21 < Debrys> also.......... on the floppy-disk thing........
00:21 < Debrys> i asked someone if he would do a hack for me on the boxedIRC-Source......
00:22 < Debrys> if he accepts, this means i would have an 120kb IRC-Client which doesn't need any installation and saves all its settings in a ini-file on the disk
00:23 <@mids> nice
00:23 <@mids> keep us informed please
00:23 < Debrys> if this works, there will not only be IIP and a IRC-Client on the disk, but also an email-client...... and i'm trying to get a PGP-App on it too........... maybe also a messenger client :)
00:23 < Debrys> I'll do :)
00:23 < lonelynerd> sound nice.
00:23 < lonelynerd> [ sounds even. ]
00:24 <@mids> ok
00:24 <@mids> more things?
00:24 < Debrys> nope
00:25 * mids searches for his meeting-hammer
00:25 <@hezekiah> Almost got the patch up, mids.
00:25 <@mids> hurray
00:25 <@mids> *baff*
00:25 <@mids> meeting closed
00:25 <@hezekiah> lol.
00:25 < Debrys> :)
00:26 < Bouris> Hooray!
00:27 <+logger> cya next week
--- Log closed Wed Jan 29 00:27:06 2003