Esta página foi atualizada pela última vez em July 2019 e está em conformidade com a versão 0.9.41 do roteador.
This page documents the current tunnel implementation.

Tunnel overview

Within I2P, messages are passed in one direction through a virtual tunnel of peers, using whatever means are available to pass the message on to the next hop. Messages arrive at the tunnel's gateway, get bundled up and/or fragmented into fixed-size tunnel messages, and are forwarded on to the next hop in the tunnel, which processes and verifies the validity of the message and sends it on to the next hop, and so on, until it reaches the tunnel endpoint. That endpoint takes the messages bundled up by the gateway and forwards them as instructed - either to another router, to another tunnel on another router, or locally.

Tunnels all work the same, but can be segmented into two different groups - inbound tunnels and outbound tunnels. The inbound tunnels have an untrusted gateway which passes messages down towards the tunnel creator, which serves as the tunnel endpoint. For outbound tunnels, the tunnel creator serves as the gateway, passing messages out to the remote endpoint.

The tunnel's creator selects exactly which peers will participate in the tunnel, and provides each with the necessary configuration data. They may have any number of hops. It is the intent to make it hard for either participants or third parties to determine the length of a tunnel, or even for colluding participants to determine whether they are a part of the same tunnel at all (barring the situation where colluding peers are next to each other in the tunnel).

In practice, a series of tunnel pools are used for different purposes - each local client destination has its own set of inbound tunnels and outbound tunnels, configured to meet its anonymity and performance needs. In addition, the router itself maintains a series of pools for participating in the network database and for managing the tunnels themselves.

I2P is an inherently packet switched network, even with these tunnels, allowing it to take advantage of multiple tunnels running in parallel, increasing resilience and balancing load. Outside of the core I2P layer, there is an optional end to end streaming library available for client applications, exposing TCP-esque operation, including message reordering, retransmission, congestion control, etc.

An overview of I2P tunnel terminology is on the tunnel overview page.

Tunnel Operation (Message Processing)

Visão geral

After a tunnel is built, I2NP messages are processed and passed through it. Tunnel operation has four distinct processes, taken on by various peers in the tunnel.

  1. First, the tunnel gateway accumulates a number of I2NP messages and preprocesses them into tunnel messages for delivery.
  2. Next, that gateway encrypts that preprocessed data, then forwards it to the first hop.
  3. That peer, and subsequent tunnel participants, unwrap a layer of the encryption, verifying that it isn't a duplicate, then forward it on to the next peer.
  4. Eventually, the tunnel messages arrive at the endpoint where the I2NP messages originally bundled by the gateway are reassembled and forwarded on as requested.

Intermediate tunnel participants do not know whether they are in an inbound or an outbound tunnel; they always "encrypt" for the next hop. Therefore, we take advantage of symmetric AES encryption to "decrypt" at the outbound tunnel gateway, so that the plaintext is revealed at the outbound endpoint.

Inbound and outbound tunnel schematic

Função Pré-processamento Encryption Operation Pós-processamento
Outbound Gateway (Creator) Fragment, Batch, and Pad Iteratively encrypt (using decryption operations) Encaminhar para o próximo pulo
Participante   Decrypt (using an encryption operation) Encaminhar para o próximo pulo
Ponto de saída   Decrypt (using an encryption operation) to reveal plaintext tunnel message Reassemble Fragments, Forward as instructed to Inbound Gateway or Router

Gateway entrante Fragment, Batch, and Pad Encriptar Encaminhar para o próximo pulo
Participante   Encriptar Encaminhar para o próximo pulo
Inbound Endpoint (Creator)   Iteratively decrypt to reveal plaintext tunnel message Reassemble Fragments, Receive data

Gateway Processing

Message Preprocessing

A tunnel gateway's function is to fragment and pack I2NP messages into fixed-size tunnel messages and encrypt the tunnel messages. Tunnel messages contain the following:

  • A 4 byte Tunnel ID
  • A 16 byte IV (initialization vector)
  • A checksum
  • Padding, if necessary
  • One or more { delivery instruction, I2NP message fragment } pairs

Tunnel IDs are 4 byte numbers used at each hop - participants know what tunnel ID to listen for messages with and what tunnel ID they should be forwarded on as to the next hop, and each hop chooses the tunnel ID which they receive messages on. Tunnels themselves are short-lived (10 minutes). Even if subsequent tunnels are built using the same sequence of peers, each hop's tunnel ID will change.

To prevent adversaries from tagging the messages along the path by adjusting the message size, all tunnel messages are a fixed 1024 bytes in size. To accommodate larger I2NP messages as well as to support smaller ones more efficiently, the gateway splits up the larger I2NP messages into fragments contained within each tunnel message. The endpoint will attempt to rebuild the I2NP message from the fragments for a short period of time, but will discard them as necessary.

Details are in the tunnel message specification.

Gateway Encryption

After the preprocessing of messages into a padded payload, the gateway builds a random 16 byte IV value, iteratively encrypting it and the tunnel message as necessary, and forwards the tuple {tunnelID, IV, encrypted tunnel message} to the next hop.

How encryption at the gateway is done depends on whether the tunnel is an inbound or an outbound tunnel. For inbound tunnels, they simply select a random IV, postprocessing and updating it to generate the IV for the gateway and using that IV along side their own layer key to encrypt the preprocessed data. For outbound tunnels they must iteratively decrypt the (unencrypted) IV and preprocessed data with the IV and layer keys for all hops in the tunnel. The result of the outbound tunnel encryption is that when each peer encrypts it, the endpoint will recover the initial preprocessed data.

Participant Processing

When a peer receives a tunnel message, it checks that the message came from the same previous hop as before (initialized when the first message comes through the tunnel). If the previous peer is a different router, or if the message has already been seen, the message is dropped. The participant then encrypts the received IV with AES256/ECB using their IV key to determine the current IV, uses that IV with the participant's layer key to encrypt the data, encrypts the current IV with AES256/ECB using their IV key again, then forwards the tuple {nextTunnelId, nextIV, encryptedData} to the next hop. This double encryption of the IV (both before and after use) help address a certain class of confirmation attacks. See this email and the surrounding thread for more information.

Duplicate message detection is handled by a decaying Bloom filter on message IVs. Each router maintains a single Bloom filter to contain the XOR of the IV and the first block of the message received for all of the tunnels it is participating in, modified to drop seen entries after 10-20 minutes (when the tunnels will have expired). The size of the bloom filter and the parameters used are sufficient to more than saturate the router's network connection with a negligible chance of false positive. The unique value fed into the Bloom filter is the XOR of the IV and the first block so as to prevent nonsequential colluding peers in the tunnel from tagging a message by resending it with the IV and first block switched.

Endpoint Processing

After receiving and validating a tunnel message at the last hop in the tunnel, how the endpoint recovers the data encoded by the gateway depends upon whether the tunnel is an inbound or an outbound tunnel. For outbound tunnels, the endpoint encrypts the message with its layer key just like any other participant, exposing the preprocessed data. For inbound tunnels, the endpoint is also the tunnel creator so they can merely iteratively decrypt the IV and message, using the layer and IV keys of each step in reverse order.

At this point, the tunnel endpoint has the preprocessed data sent by the gateway, which it may then parse out into the included I2NP messages and forwards them as requested in their delivery instructions.

Tunnel Building

When building a tunnel, the creator must send a request with the necessary configuration data to each of the hops and wait for all of them to agree before enabling the tunnel. The requests are encrypted so that only the peers who need to know a piece of information (such as the tunnel layer or IV key) has that data. In addition, only the tunnel creator will have access to the peer's reply. There are three important dimensions to keep in mind when producing the tunnels: what peers are used (and where), how the requests are sent (and replies received), and how they are maintained.

Seleção de Pares

Beyond the two types of tunnels - inbound and outbound - there are two styles of peer selection used for different tunnels - exploratory and client. Exploratory tunnels are used for both network database maintenance and tunnel maintenance, while client tunnels are used for end to end client messages.

Exploratory tunnel peer selection

Exploratory tunnels are built out of a random selection of peers from a subset of the network. The particular subset varies on the local router and on what their tunnel routing needs are. In general, the exploratory tunnels are built out of randomly selected peers who are in the peer's "not failing but active" profile category. The secondary purpose of the tunnels, beyond merely tunnel routing, is to find underutilized high capacity peers so that they can be promoted for use in client tunnels.

Exploratory peer selection is discussed further on the Peer Profiling and Selection page.

Client tunnel peer selection

Client tunnels are built with a more stringent set of requirements - the local router will select peers out of its "fast and high capacity" profile category so that performance and reliability will meet the needs of the client application. However, there are several important details beyond that basic selection that should be adhered to, depending upon the client's anonymity needs.

Client peer selection is discussed further on the Peer Profiling and Selection page.

Peer Ordering within Tunnels

Peers are ordered within tunnels to deal with the predecessor attack (2008 update).

To frustrate the predecessor attack, the tunnel selection keeps the peers selected in a strict order - if A, B, and C are in a tunnel for a particular tunnel pool, the hop after A is always B, and the hop after B is always C.

Ordering is implemented by generating a random 32-byte key for each tunnel pool at startup. Peers should not be able to guess the ordering, or an attacker could craft two router hashes far apart to maximize the chance of being at both ends of a tunnel. Peers are sorted by XOR distance of the SHA256 Hash of (the peer's hash concatenated with the random key) from the random key

      p = peer hash
      k = random key
      d = XOR(H(p+k), k)

Because each tunnel pool uses a different random key, ordering is consistent within a single pool but not between different pools. New keys are generated at each router restart.

Entrega de requisição

A multi-hop tunnel is built using a single build message which is repeatedly decrypted and forwarded. In the terminology of Hashing it out in Public, this is "non-interactive" telescopic tunnel building.

This tunnel request preparation, delivery, and response method is designed to reduce the number of predecessors exposed, cuts the number of messages transmitted, verifies proper connectivity, and avoids the message counting attack of traditional telescopic tunnel creation. (This method, which sends messages to extend a tunnel through the already-established part of the tunnel, is termed "interactive" telescopic tunnel building in the "Hashing it out" paper.)

The details of tunnel request and response messages, and their encryption, are specified here.

Peers may reject tunnel creation requests for a variety of reasons, though a series of four increasingly severe rejections are known: probabilistic rejection (due to approaching the router's capacity, or in response to a flood of requests), transient overload, bandwidth overload, and critical failure. When received, those four are interpreted by the tunnel creator to help adjust their profile of the router in question.

Para mais informações sobre a determinação de perfis, ver a página da Determinação de perfis e seleção de pares.

Tunnel Pools

To allow efficient operation, the router maintains a series of tunnel pools, each managing a group of tunnels used for a specific purpose with their own configuration. When a tunnel is needed for that purpose, the router selects one out of the appropriate pool at random. Overall, there are two exploratory tunnel pools - one inbound and one outbound - each using the router's default configuration. In addition, there is a pair of pools for each local destination - one inbound and one outbound tunnel pool. Those pools use the configuration specified when the local destination connects to the router via I2CP, or the router's defaults if not specified.

Each pool has within its configuration a few key settings, defining how many tunnels to keep active, how many backup tunnels to maintain in case of failure, how long the tunnels should be, whether those lengths should be randomized, as well as any of the other settings allowed when configuring individual tunnels. Configuration options are specified on the I2CP page.

Tunnel Lengths and Defaults

On the tunnel overview page.

Anticipatory Build Strategy and Priority

Tunnel building is expensive, and tunnels expire a fixed time after they are built. However, when a pool that runs out of tunnels, the Destination is essentially dead. In addition, tunnel build success rate may vary greatly with both local and global network conditions. Therefore, it is important to maintain an anticipatory, adaptive build strategy to ensure that new tunnels are successfully built before they are needed, without building an excess of tunnels, building them too soon, or consuming too much CPU or bandwidth creating and sending the encrypted build messages.

For each tuple {exploratory/client, in/out, length, length variance} the router maintains statistics on the time required for a successful tunnel build. Using these statistics, it calculates how long before a tunnel's expiration it should start attempting to build a replacement. As the expiration time approaches without a successful replacement, it starts multiple build attempts in parallel, and then will increase the number of parallel attempts if necessary.

To cap bandwidth and CPU usage, the router also limits the maximum number of build attempts outstanding across all pools. Critical builds (those for exploratory tunnels, and for pools that have run out of tunnels) are prioritized.

Tunnel Message Throttling

Even though the tunnels within I2P bear a resemblance to a circuit switched network, everything within I2P is strictly message based - tunnels are merely accounting tricks to help organize the delivery of messages. No assumptions are made regarding reliability or ordering of messages, and retransmissions are left to higher levels (e.g. I2P's client layer streaming library). This allows I2P to take advantage of throttling techniques available to both packet switched and circuit switched networks. For instance, each router may keep track of the moving average of how much data each tunnel is using, combine that with all of the averages used by other tunnels the router is participating in, and be able to accept or reject additional tunnel participation requests based on its capacity and utilization. On the other hand, each router can simply drop messages that are beyond its capacity, exploiting the research used on the normal Internet.

In the current implementation, routers implement a weighted random early discard (WRED) strategy. For all participating routers (internal participant, inbound gateway, and outbound endpoint), the router will start randomly dropping a portion of messages as the bandwidth limits are approached. As traffic gets closer to, or exceeds, the limits, more messages are dropped. For an internal participant, all messages are fragmented and padded and therefore are the same size. At the inbound gateway and outbound endpoint, however, the dropping decision is made on the full (coalesced) message, and the message size is taken into account. Larger messages are more likely to be dropped. Also, messages are more likely to be dropped at the outbound endpoint than the inbound gateway, as those messages are not as "far along" in their journey and thus the network cost of dropping those messages is lower.

Trabalho futuro


What strategies could be used at the gateway and at each hop for delaying, reordering, rerouting, or padding messages? To what extent should this be done automatically, how much should be configured as a per tunnel or per hop setting, and how should the tunnel's creator (and in turn, user) control this operation? All of this is left as unknown, to be worked out for a distant future release.


The padding strategies can be used on a variety of levels, addressing the exposure of message size information to different adversaries. The current fixed tunnel message size is 1024 bytes. Within this however, the fragmented messages themselves are not padded by the tunnel at all, though for end to end messages, they may be padded as part of the garlic wrapping.


WRED strategies have a significant impact on end-to-end performance, and prevention of network congestion collapse. The current WRED strategy should be carefully evaluated and improved.